[GRASS-stats] spgrass7 support for strds?

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 05:04:53 PST 2015


Since you are discussing the new spgrass for GRASS 7 (and since GRASS 7
includes these great temporal modules), I was wondering if there's any
chance to include support for reading/writing spatio-temporal data sets.

At present, there are two functions in spacetime package (read.tgrass and
write.tgrass) that allows reading and writing strds, but you need to export
it from GRASS first, do the R processing you need, and then, import it back
into GRASS. To have something a bit more straightforward would be awesome!

I don't know how complicated this could be, that's why I dare to ask :)

Keep the great job you are doing!!! And thanks a lot!!!

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