[GRASS-stats] rgrass7_0.1-2 on CRAN

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Sat Sep 5 03:09:12 PDT 2015

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no> wrote:
> I've just submitted a new version of rgrass7 to CRAN, and the source
> is now available. The Windows CRAN binary will follow shortly, but the OSX
> CRAN Mavericks binary may be delayed. This is because the new version
> suggests the most recent rgdal_1.0-6, which fixes an issue with the SQLite
> driver in GDAL2, seen when that driver is available.
> The main change is to move the vector interface to using the SQLite format
> for intermediate files if it is available, and to get around the field
> length restriction when using the shapefile format. Users should not see
> changes in behaviour,

This is excellent, thanks for having implemented this improvement.

> but I'd be grateful for reports to ensure that using
> these alternative mechanisms does not change results. Among other things,
> the laundering of SQLite field names is turned off, to prevent unintended
> conversion to lower case.

I have just made a test:

GRASS 7.0.2svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ >

g.copy vect=zipcodes_wake,myzipcodes_wake

g.region raster=elevation -p
projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
zone:       0
datum:      nad83
ellipsoid:  a=6378137 es=0.006694380022900787
north:      228500
south:      215000
west:       630000
east:       645000
nsres:      10
ewres:      10
rows:       1350
cols:       1500
cells:      2025000

# generate very long column names with long prefix:
v.rast.stats myzipcodes_wake raster=elevation   column_prefix=elev_data
method=minimum,maximum,average,stddev,percentile   percentile=95
Processing data (13 categories)...
Updating the database .

v.info -c myzipcodes_wake
Displaying column types/names for database connection of layer <1>:
DOUBLE PRECISION|elev_data_minimum
DOUBLE PRECISION|elev_data_maximum
DOUBLE PRECISION|elev_data_average
DOUBLE PRECISION|elev_data_stddev
DOUBLE PRECISION|elev_data_percentile_95

GRASS 7.0.2svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ > R

R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) -- "World-Famous Astronaut"
> library(rgrass7)
Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: XML
GRASS GIS interface loaded with GRASS version: GRASS 7.0.2svn (2015)
and location: nc_spm_08_grass7
> mydata <- readVECT("myzipcodes_wake")
Exporting 48 areas (may take some time)...
v.out.ogr complete. 48 features (Polygon type) written to <myzipcodes_wake>
(SQLite format).
OGR data source with driver: SQLite
layer: "myzipcodes_wake"
with 48 features
It has 17 fields
Warning message:
In rgdal::readOGR(dsn = RDSN, layer = LAYER, verbose = !ignore.stderr) :
  Z-dimension discarded

> summary(mydata)
Object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
       min      max
x 610047.9 677060.7
y 196327.5 258102.6
Is projected: TRUE
proj4string :
[+proj=lcc +lat_1=36.16666666666666 +lat_2=34.33333333333334
+lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79 +x_0=609601.22 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m
+no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0]
Data attributes:
      cat           OBJECTID       WAKE_ZIPCO          PERIMETER
 Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :5.951e+05   Min.   :  3226
 1st Qu.:11.75   1st Qu.: 16.5   1st Qu.:8.368e+07   1st Qu.: 51693
 Median :22.50   Median : 32.5   Median :5.698e+08   Median :135398
 Mean   :22.50   Mean   :103.4   Mean   :5.765e+08   Mean   :138404
 3rd Qu.:33.25   3rd Qu.:224.2   3rd Qu.:8.408e+08   3rd Qu.:199258
 Max.   :44.00   Max.   :301.0   Max.   :2.826e+09   Max.   :465259

    ZIPCODE_       ZIPCODE_ID              ZIPNAME       ZIPNUM
 Min.   : 2.00   Min.   :  1.00   RALEIGH      :15   Min.   :27501
 1st Qu.:17.25   1st Qu.:  9.75   APEX         : 4   1st Qu.:27526
 Median :32.00   Median : 18.00   CARY         : 4   Median :27592
 Mean   :29.93   Mean   : 36.25   ANGIER       : 2   Mean   :27574
 3rd Qu.:43.25   3rd Qu.: 29.25   DURHAM       : 2   3rd Qu.:27607
 Max.   :53.00   Max.   :157.00   FUQUAY VARINA: 2   Max.   :27713
                                  (Other)      :15
                ZIPCODE              NAME      SHAPE_Leng
 ANGIER 27501       : 2   RALEIGH      :15   Min.   :  3221
 APEX 27539         : 2   APEX         : 4   1st Qu.: 44978
 FUQUAY VARINA 27526: 2   CARY         : 4   Median :127213
 WILLOW SPRING 27592: 2   ANGIER       : 2   Mean   :132809
 YOUNGSVILLE 27596  : 2   DURHAM       : 2   3rd Qu.:193936
 APEX 27502         : 1   FUQUAY VARINA: 2   Max.   :477265
 (Other)            :33   (Other)      :15
   SHAPE_Area        elev_data_minimum elev_data_maximum elev_data_average
 Min.   :5.943e+05   Min.   : 55.58    Min.   :107.5     Min.   : 80.94
 1st Qu.:7.061e+07   1st Qu.: 68.90    1st Qu.:117.6     1st Qu.: 97.35
 Median :5.267e+08   Median : 77.12    Median :134.3     Median :107.11
 Mean   :5.430e+08   Mean   : 79.85    Mean   :135.0     Mean   :110.36
 3rd Qu.:7.941e+08   3rd Qu.: 89.95    3rd Qu.:152.7     3rd Qu.:121.78
 Max.   :2.807e+09   Max.   :113.91    Max.   :156.3     Max.   :142.60
                     NA's   :31        NA's   :31        NA's   :31
 elev_data_stddev elev_data_percentile_95
 Min.   : 6.667   Min.   : 99.84
 1st Qu.: 9.219   1st Qu.:111.22
 Median :11.882   Median :123.83
 Mean   :11.601   Mean   :127.94
 3rd Qu.:13.630   3rd Qu.:144.57
 Max.   :15.839   Max.   :151.69
 NA's   :31       NA's   :31

Looks all good!

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