[GRASS-stats] error when trying to start GRASS from Rstudio in Windows

Felipe Carrillo mazatlanmexico at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 27 08:25:04 PDT 2018

Hi Vero;I got the same error a while back and I ended up finding a workaround by copying all of the .dll files from C:\OSGeo4W64\bin to C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\grass\grass-7.4.1\bin. I have grass installed on my C drive but follow the path to your installation path bin. It appears that the .dlls are different or incompatible. 

Felipe D. CarrilloSupervisory Fishery BiologistDepartment of the InteriorUS Fish & Wildlife ServiceCalifornia, USAhttp://www.fws.gov/redbluff/rbdd_jsmp.html

    On Saturday, October 27, 2018, 7:42:00 AM PDT, Veronica Andreo <veroandreo at gmail.com> wrote:  

I taught a GRASS course last week and all students got the same error when trying to init GRASS from R or Rstudio (in all cases grass was installed through OSGeo4W installer). 

Here´s the command we used (paths must be adapted accordingly):
initGRASS(gisBase = "C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/grass/grass-7.4.2RC2", 
          gisDbase = "C:/Users/RETA/Documents/grassdata", 
          location = "nc_spm_08_grass7", 
          mapset = "user1", 
          SG = "elevation")
The pop-up error is a missing iconv.dll. See screenshot attached. I believe all locales were in Spanish as well as the laptop I am testing now. After many attempts to try to close the pop-up error, we got the following in the Rstudio console:

Error in if (!compatible) { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In system(paste("g.dirseps.exe -g", shQuote(Sys.getenv("GISRC"))),  :
  running command 'g.dirseps.exe -g "junk"' had status 309
2: In system(paste("g.dirseps.exe -g", shQuote(gisDbase)), intern = TRUE) :
  running command 'g.dirseps.exe -g "C:/Users/RETA/Documents/grassdata"' had status 309
3: In dir.create(loc_path) :
  cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7', reason 'No such file or directory'
4: In dir.create(paste(loc_path, "PERMANENT", sep = "/")) :
  cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7\PERMANENT', reason 'No such file or directory'
5: In dir.create(paste(loc_path, mapset, sep = "/")) :
  cannot create dir 'NA\nc_spm_08_grass7\user1', reason 'No such file or directory'
6: In system(paste("g.version", get("addEXE", envir = .GRASS_CACHE),  :
  running command 'g.version.exe' had status 309

Is this grass or windows problem? I did not get this error in this same laptop a month ago when Roger fixed some other problems. Seems that something changed meanwhile.

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