[GRASS-stats] (no subject)

Jackson Rodrigues jacksonmrodrigues at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 18:42:19 PST 2019

Hi Verônica,


simply run use_sp() before and voilà.

Thank you,



Em qui, 5 de dez de 2019 16:53, Veronica Andreo <veroandreo at gmail.com>

> You first need to type:
> use_sp()
> Then, read the raster from grass. For vector maps on the other hand, you
> can either set:
> use_sp()
> or
> use_sf()
> before the import.
> Best,
> Vero
> El jue., 5 dic. 2019 15:20, Thomas Adams <tea3rd at gmail.com> escribió:
>> Jackson,
>> Did you first invoke R in your GRASS terminal window, then, at the R
>> prompt:
>> library(rgrass7)
>> Tom
>> On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 1:03 PM Jackson Rodrigues <
>> jacksonmrodrigues at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am trying to work with grass7 in R but I got the following error:
>>> Error in rgrass7::writeRAST(raster_image, "raster_image", flags =
>>> c("overwrite")) : no stars support yet
>>> Could anyone give me a support on this issue?
>>> I have searched for it elsewhere but no answer found so far.
>>> Reproducible exemple below from Rbloggers
>>> *#####################*
>>> *library(raster)*
>>> *raster_image <- raster::raster(system.file("external/test.grd", package
>>> = "raster"))raster_image <- as(raster_image,
>>> "SpatialGridDataFrame")plot(raster_image)loc <-
>>> rgrass7::initGRASS("C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.4.4", home = tempdir(),
>>> override = TRUE)rgrass7::writeRAST(raster_image, "raster_image", flags =
>>> c("overwrite"))#Error in rgrass7::writeRAST(raster_image, "raster_image",
>>> flags = c("overwrite")) :#no stars support yet*
>>> *  ##################### *
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jackson
>>> --
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>> Thomas E Adams, III
>> 1724 Sage Lane
>> Blacksburg, VA 24060
>> tea3rd at gmail.com (personal)
>> tea at terrapredictions.org (work)
>> 1 (513) 739-9512 (cell)
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