[GRASS translations] Re: translations Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Tue Mar 20 05:02:11 EDT 2007

Stephan Holl wrote on 03/20/2007 09:13 AM:
> Hello translations-request at grass.itc.it,
> translations-request at grass.itc.it, [20070320 - 08:39:35]
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 00:24:01 +0100
>> From: Carlos D?vila <cdavilam at jemila.jazztel.es>
>> Subject: [GRASS translations] Call for submiting po files
>> To: translations at grass.itc.it
>> Message-ID: <45E4BD91.2090407 at jemila.jazztel.es>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Hello all translators
>> A few weeks ago Markus proposed me to become "translation manager". 
>> After some time I have agreed to co-manage translations with him, so
>> in the next days we will try to put translations up to date, as they
>> are quite out of date for most languages. First thing to do is
>> updating *all languages* po files (grasslibs, grassmods and
>> grasstcl), so it is important all of you having translations not sent
>> to cvs to send them *before next Friday 15:00 GMT+1:00*, so that I
>> can update po files in the evening, without loosing any of your work.
> @Carlos: Thanks for putting your hands on the internationalisation!
> I am sorry to inform you that Mailman did not sent the digest-mails in
> time. Your last (cited) email from 28.feb just arrived in my malbox with
> the digest of this list _today_.

You just need to create more traffic here to trigger the digests :-)

>  So I assume the translations for german
> ourstandings are at least gone, if there were any.
Nothing should be gone thanks to msg_merge. Just send you changes.

> @List-Admin: Is there an option in the mailman-interface to send a
> _daily_ digest instead of a monthly?! Thanks for looking into this.
Should a digest be dispatched daily when the size threshold isn't reached?
-> was already set to YES.

I have lowered the minimum digest size from 30 to 15k


> Best regards and happy translating
> 	Stephan Holl

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