[GRASS-translations] contact_markus_neteler

Joana Palahí joana at sigte.udg.edu
Fri Apr 15 10:54:17 EDT 2011


I wonder if as translator could appear 'SIGTE-UdG' instead of me. 
Considering it is something I am doing inside the Institution where I 
belong, maybe it would be fairer. If it is not possible, do not worry,



Al 15/04/2011 16:44, En/na Markus Neteler ha escrit:
> Hi Joana,
> [ Now both emails arrived, the first made a longer trip :) ]
> Thanks for the contribution, all merged in into 6.4 (so for 6.4.2 then),
> 6.5 and GRASS 7. I have added you to the translators.csv, too, to
> keep the record.
> Thanks again,
> Markus

Joana Palahí

Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1
17071 Girona
joana at sigte.udg.edu
972 41 80 39

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