[GRASS-translations] Translation of Windows v.digit interfaces TclTk

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Mon Jun 6 18:07:52 EDT 2011

2011/6/6 António Rocha <antonio.rocha at deimos.com.pt>:
> Hello Markus (and everyone else)
> Ok but if I go to \locale\de\LC_MESSAGES there is no grasstcl.mo file on
> grasswxpy, grassmods and grasslibs. But, everything is translated to German
> in V.digit interfaces. How is this possible?

The Tcl mo file is in a different place:
./etc/msgs/de.msg:::msgcat::mcset de "Digitize new boundary" "Neue
Grenze digitalisieren"

It is not a .mo file but a .msg file.


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