[GRASS-translations] v.to.db help messages missing po templates
Markus Neteler
neteler at osgeo.org
Sat Mar 10 11:55:44 EST 2012
Hi Marco,
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 7:20 PM, Marco Curreli <marcocurreli at tiscali.it> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was searching the help messages of v.to.db module in pofiles, but
> I can't find most of them in any pofile.
I get it partically translated:
v.to.db help
Popola i valori del database da features vettoriali
Parole chiave:
vettoriale, database, tabella degli attributi
v.to.db [-psc] map=name [type=string[,string,...]] [layer=value]
[qlayer=value] option=string [units=string]
[qcolumn=name] [--verbose] [--quiet]
-p Stampa solo
-s Stampa solo le istruzioni SQL
-c In print mode prints totals for options: length,area,count
--v Output verboso del modulo
--q Output quieto del modulo
map Nome del vettoriale in input
type Tipo di elemento
Per coor sono validi point/centroid, per length sono
validi line/boundary
opzioni: point,line,boundary,centroid
predefinito: point,line,boundary,centroid
layer Numero del layer (su cui scrivere)
Un singolo vettoriale pu� essere connessa a database
multiple. Questo numero determina quale tabella viene usata.
predefinito: 1
qlayer Numero del layer da interrogare (da cui leggere)
Un singolo vettoriale pu� essere connessa a database
multiple. Questo numero determina quale tabella viene usata.
predefinito: 1
option Valore da aggiornare
opzioni: cat,area,compact,fd,perimeter,length,count,coor,start,
cat: insert new row for each category if doesn't exist yet
area: area size
compact: compactness of an area, calculated as
compactness = perimeter / (2 * sqrt(PI * area))
fd: fractal dimension of boundary defining a polygon,
calculated as
fd = 2 * (log(perimeter) / log(area))
perimeter: perimeter length of an area
length: line length
count: number of features for each category
coor: point coordinates, X,Y or X,Y,Z
start: line/boundary starting point coordinates, X,Y or X,Y,Z
end: line/boundary end point coordinates, X,Y or X,Y,Z
sides: categories of areas on the left and right side of
the boundary, 'qlayer' is used for area category
query: result of a database query for all records of the
geometry(or geometries) from table specified by 'qlayer' option
slope: slope steepness of vector line or boundary
sinuous: line sinuousity, calculated as line length /
distance between end points
azimuth: line azimuth, calculated as angle between North
direction and endnode direction at startnode
units Unit�
(miglia, piedi, metri, chilometri, acri, ettari, radianti, gradi)
opzioni: mi,miles,f,feet,me,meters,k,kilometers,a,acres,h,
columns Nome della colonna(e) dell'attributo
qcolumn Nome colonna degli attributi da usare per l'opzione 'query'
E.g. 'cat', 'count(*)', 'sum(val)'
I realize that the large block explaining the options in not tagged
for translation in
I wonder why... it should! ( @Devs: why not? )
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