[GRASS-translations] GRASS GIS flyer

Vincent Bain bain at toraval.fr
Sat Sep 17 04:04:42 PDT 2016

Dear translators,

a new version of the GRASS GIS flyer is now available here :
The format is svg, you can view the file with a graphics editor like
Inkscape. A pdf version is avalaible too.

English, french, and partially italian versions are already achieved.
You are very welcome to add your translator's contributions !     

Dealing with graphics files is not as easy to handle as editing
classical localization files. Fortunately SVG is an application of XML,
supporting its formalism and the UTF-8 character set, thus quite well
adapted to textual editing.

In order to preserve the original document settings, I think it would be
better to avoid editing the files from within e.g. Inkscape, but rather
add translated chains through a text editor, or better via a dedicated
solution like OmegaT[1]. It provides a rather convenient/intuitive GUI
to access strings to translate.

The two-sided document is given a certain page layout. Text blocks are
not much expandable : please when translating keep in mind this
constraint and try to be as concise as english (I know it's a bit

Best regards,


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