[GRASS-translations] [GRASS GIS Elections 2020] Reminder: nomination phase still underway
Chief Return Officer (CRO) - GRASS GIS election 2020
variablestarlight at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 01:25:37 PST 2021
Dear members of the GRASS GIS community,
Please notice that the nomination phase of the GRASS GIS 2020 elections
for a new Project Steering Committee (PSC) is still underway.
You still have time before Monday 20201-01-11 to nominate a member of
the community to be a candidate for the next GRASS GIS PSC.
From the election wiki:
"/During the Nomination phase, any member of the GRASS-GIS community,
can nominate any community member for being a candidate for the PSC.//
//Current PSC members are to be nominated for re-election in the same
way by the community as possible new candidates.//
//To set a nomination in motion, an e-mail should be directed to the CRO
(cro.grass at osgeo.org) including name, contact e-mail and shortly why
a person is recommended as a PSC member. The CRO will then contact the
recommended person asking for confirmation. The nominated person has to
accept the candidacy for the PSC and will be asked to write a few lines
stating what she/he wants to achieve as part of it.//
//A nomination and its acceptance are required to be sent directly to
the CRO in private. Following confirmation, it is the CRO's task to
officially announce a nomination./"
Please, read the wiki in the link below to learn more about how the
election is planned and how they proceed:
Chief Return Officer (CRO)
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