Since there is no FAQ list (yet)...

Jamey Graham jamey at
Wed Aug 26 19:04:08 EDT 1992

(and no intro to getting started, i.e., getting a map or topographic
region up on my dislay) can someone please explain to me how i start
using grass?  someone might ask "well, what do you wqant to use it
for?"  well, let's start with the simple goal of accessing and
displaying a region/map/set-of-coordinates.  i have compiled the
system (successfully?) but am unable to locate any data.  i obtained
the sources via the internet (IP address  there is no
documentation which describes who one gets up and running (i.e., some
examples or locations of examples).  the document states that
grass comes with sample databases spearfish, imagery and world, yet i
have not been able to locate any of them.  any suggestions?

Jamey Graham
Ricoh California Research Center
jamey at

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