Looking for people running XGRASS on DECstation 5000

Jamey Graham jamey at cache.crc.ricoh.com
Thu Aug 27 12:43:43 EDT 1992

I'm looking for individuals who are successfully running xgrass on the
DECstation 5000 and ULTRIX V4.2A (& Motif 1.1).  The compile craps out
on me early and the error is not descriptive enough to go digging
through the make or source files.  If you have such a configuration,
would you please let me know what basic configs/modifications/etc you
used to compile this system?  I would also love to find some
documentation on xgrass (e.g., installation guide).  There were a few
PostScript files with the sources but no user level documentation.

Jamey Graham
Ricoh California Research Center
jamey at crc.ricoh.com

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