erdas images into Grass4.0

danR at danR at
Fri Aug 28 15:39:32 EDT 1992

Recently I tried to import a *.GIS file into and the following 
problem occurred. 
OPTION:   input erdas trailer file name
     key: trl
required: NO
enter option > /usr6/local4/vernon/vernonst/imagery/517.trl

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y
OPTION:   Prefix of the GRASS raster files to be created.
     key: prefix
required: YES
enter option > test

You have chosen:
Is this correct? (y/n) [y] y
pack type------ 0
number bands----------- 256
number cols,rows------- -519700480, -1123811328
starting coordinate --- 16777216, 16777216
map type -------------- 256
number classes -------- 7936
area ------------------ 0.000000 N
map coordinate -------- -0.000000, 0.000000
pixel size ------------ 0.000000, 0.000000

Error in memory allocation

is this a problem with  the *.GIS header file of file location.

Thank you.
					Daniel H. Rodriguez

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