Volume Calculation of Area for Reservoir Analysis using Grass

W. Fredrick Limp fred at kirk.uark.edu
Thu Dec 3 11:48:14 EST 1992

In a reply Jim W. commented
> Yes, GRAASS can be used to do volumetric calculations.  There is no
> straightforward program, but the following outline will start you 
> in the right direction:
stuff deleted--
Maybe I'm missing something here but what about r.volume
r.volume             GRASS Reference Manual              r.volume

     r.volume - Calculates the volume of data "clumps", and
     (optionally) produces a GRASS site_lists file containing the
     calculated centroids of these clumps.
     (GRASS Raster Program)


w. Fredrick Limp
Fayetteville AR 72701                             fred at kirk.uark.edu 

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