ERDAS to GRASS conversion

grass grass%alla at
Fri Dec 4 08:29:14 EST 1992

The ERDAS to GRASS conversion can be relatively straight forward.
If the ERDAS file (either GIS or LAN) is in the 7.3 format (cvt73) and is 8 bit data then use I've had much success with this. 
If this is not the case then it can be a bit more difficult but not much. 
With ERDAS 7.5 the DPDATA command will allow the user to write the output 
to a file. 
If the Erdas file is a GIS file either BIL or BSQ will work. 
For a LAN file use BSQ. The resultant file will have a .blk extension. 
Move this file to the GRASS cell directory.
Edit a header file in the cellhd directory to match the output from LISTIT with
the compression set to 0.
for 8bit files the format is 0 for 16bit files the format is 1
The file is now ready for 
The GRASS file will have exactly the same data as the ERDAS file.

|                                                                    |
|  Tom Nelson                                                        |
|  Corps of Engineers                                                |
|  Fort Worth, Texas                                                 |
|  (817) 334-2095                                                    |

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