dem data for AUSTRALIA

John Miller ccjwm at
Mon Dec 7 02:21:56 EST 1992

My reading of the documentation suggests that m.dem.extract
only works with USGS Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data.  Now my
understanding is that USGS is a projection scheme which is 
really only applicable to the USA and a few other places 
(please correct me if I'm wrong).

Thus is it easy to input digital elevation data expressed in
LAT/LONG coordinates into GRASS?  If so how?  If not, what
approach might be taken to get Australian dem data into GRASS
for further analysis?

Please be detailed as I am obviously a naive new GRASS user,
especially wrt entering new data, mapsets, and locations etc.

Many thanks
| John Miller           | Internet Mail - ccjwm at            |
| Computer Centre       | PSI Mail - PSI%050527372000051::J_MILLER    |
| James Cook University of North Queensland | Phone: +61 77 815447    |
| Townsville, 4811,  AUSTRALIA              | Fax:   +61 77 796371    |

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