help for raster correlations

W. Fredrick Limp fred at
Mon Dec 7 13:09:52 EST 1992

Recent postings mention desire for correlation matrix...
look at r.covar (or maybe its r.corr ??) anyway this module
makes a covariance or correlation matrix for n map layers.
> I'm also interested in these kinds of correlations. I've used 
> "r.coin" to tabulate coincidence of archaeological sites and 

stuff deleted

> > (like the correlation coefficients you can get from doing
> > x vs y scatter diagrams). I now cannot find this mail message
> > anywhere. Does it sound familiar to anyone? I have a lot of
> > rasters of chemical parameters and am interested in seeing how
> > well high and low areas of one item correlate to highs and lows
> > of another. Any suggestions will be appreciated--
> > 
> > stewalt at
> > 

W. Fredrick Limp,   Director                     FAX: (501) 575-3846
CAST, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies   TEL: (501) 575-6159     
12 Ozark Hall, University of Arkansas         
Fayetteville AR 72701                             fred at 

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