PostScript plotting

Simon Cox simon at
Wed Dec 9 12:06:56 EST 1992

> My original trials of large format PostScript plotting started with such
> prior advise of Mark Johnson, which makes it sound so easy.  But all the
> source code and documentation seems to be oriented toward a page size
> plotter.  The conversion from ppm to PS seemed to generate page size color
> plot when viewed on SUN's pageview.  I also have the impression that the ppm
> plot would like to span several page-size plots.  I need Mark to give more
> explicit instructions and application description that assure me that I am
> getting a large-format, color PostScript plot.

I would be very grateful to hear the outcome of your investigations -
we are looking at using a (commercially operated) Canon BJ-A1 for
generating hardcopy, and that is driven by PS - so if a direct route
to large format PS were found, then we would be in clover.

Does anyone else have experience with one of these?

Simon Cox
				Dr Simon Cox
         __  L				
      ,~'  L_|\            	Department of Earth Sciences       
   ,-'         \         	Monash University    
   (            \		Clayton  Vic  3168  Australia
   \    ___     /	
    L,~'   "\_x/		Phone +61 3 565 5762
              u   		Fax   +61 3 565 5062
				simon at

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