ppm PAINTER and xv-2.21

MINOJA at icil64.cilea.it MINOJA at icil64.cilea.it
Wed Dec 16 07:08:03 EST 1992

> I made paint output of raster image of elevation.dem in spearfish for ppm,
> and it seems to have worked successufully. I got a 1.8MB paint.ppm file.
> Then I run the xv-2.21 to see it.
> grass 4.0> xv paint.ppm
> After a while, I got the error message as
>	QuickCheck:  impossible situation!
> My xv program is working fine for the other files.
> Are ther any had the similar experience as me ?

   I successfully exported elavation.dem and read it from xv-2.21.
   From grass4.0 I have use command : 
   r.out.tga input=elvation.dem output=/mydir/elavation.tga .

   After I have pbmplus (You can have pbmplus routines from an ftp site)
   routines to convert tga image into ppm with command :
   ppbmplus/tgatoppm /mydir/elevation.tga > /mydir/elvation.ppm

   This file is readable (or updating) from xv-2.21 .

   Note : elevation.tga is big  1995540 bytes
          elevation.ppm is big  1995047 bytes

Bruno Minoja
Cilea (Consorzio Interuniversitario Lobardo Elaborazione Automatica)
Segrate Milano Italia
minoja at icil64.cilea.it

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