r.in.erdas crashing

Jim Aanstoos (919) 541-6890 AANSTOOS%LOUIE at rcc.rti.org
Wed Dec 30 13:09:04 EST 1992

Thanks to Tom Nelson for your reply.  Yes, there really are 10 bands
(5 TM bands from two seasons).  The Erdas operator who provided me the
file says that the number of classes should be zero for a file which
has not yet been classified, which is the case for this one.  The file
is unrectified raw TM data.  
The .lan file was produced on an Erdas version 7.5 system, then converted
using the cvt73 command.  R.in.erdas seems to work fine on .gis files
produced on the same system, but it crashes on all .lan files I have tried.
Is it really supposed to work fo .lan files as well, and how does it know
which type it is reading (by the header I supose?)-- there isn't a different
command or option to tell it this is a .lan file, is there?  
I have a copy of your earlier message detailing the workaround that starts
with the DPDATA command, and will resort to that if necessary, but it would
be nice if r.in.erdas worked on it.
  jim /--\
     /    \ 
Jim Aanstoos                  Research Triangle Institute
Internet: aanstoos%louie at rcc.rti.org
  Bitnet: aanstoos%louie at rti.bitnet

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