
Jim Hinthorne jimh at strider.tfo.arizona.edu
Wed Feb 26 13:53:38 EST 1992

What you want to accomplish can be done using the v.db.rim command if the
files to be patched are USGS DLG maps.  This works because the neat lines
do not have attributes in these files and v.db.rim will not load a data
record for lines without attributes.  Please contact me for more info
and specifics on the process if you have compiled rim and then v.db.rim
in the 4.0 release of GRASS.  Rim is in src.related and v.db.rim is in

We have patched 80 maps together in a single day using this process.

Jim Hinthorne
jimh at strider.tfo.arizona.edu
(602) 670-5573

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