global data on CD-ROM

Jim G jimg at
Mon Jan 20 09:50:22 EST 1992

 The Global I GRASS dataset is finally available for purchase. There has
been several articles, press releases, and general hulabaloo about this 
for a couple of months now, but anyone who has called us here at Rutgers 
has gotten a firm "maybe, soon" response for who nows how long. The big
problem has been the lawyers (problems with lawyers!?!), and after much
discussion over the placement of commas and other such phonetical
gymnastics, the guys in the suits and the Lexus four-doors are ready
to party. Meaning, we can finally place orders and actually send these 
things out to people. Amazing, eh ? If you have called or contacted us
previously, we have been somewhat organized and have been keeping a list
of who, what, and where you all are. That means that hopefully you'll be
getting a response from us soon, but who knows.
 Anyway, feel free to contact us again, or contact us for a first time.
The price of the CD-ROM is $375, plus shipping and handling. I do not
think there are University discounts, but who knows what could happen.

First, there is the man in charge:
	Scott Madry, Associate Director
	Cook College Remote Sensing Center
	Dept. of Env. Resources
	Box 231, College Farm Rd.
	Rutgers University
	New Brunswick, NJ, 08903-0231, USA
	tel: (908) 932-9631
	fax: (908) 932-8644
	email: madry at

Then, there's me, who will probably end up doing everything anyway:
	Jim Gasprich, Primary Computer and Data Slave
	same place as above
	email: jimg at

Sorry for the delays.

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