Site Catchment Analysis

Joe Vaughan jkv%dust at
Thu Jul 2 13:16:20 EDT 1992

Concerning your request for script materials for 'site catchment analysis',
I have a script which 1) puts up a raster map
                      2) puts up sites and labels
                      3) allows the user to draw a polygon with mouse 
                      4) takes the polygon and makes a vector file out of it
                      5) converts the vector file into a raster file
                      6) uses the raster file as a psuedo mask for finding sites
  within the polygon ( mask )
This is probably different from what you want to do, but maybe some of the
techniques, hacked together though they be, would be of use.  You could view
my stuff as a prototype in sh ( with calls to little FORTRAN executables ) of
what might be better accomplished wioth some judicious C programming!
Anyway, drop me a line if it sounds of interest.
Joe Vaughan

               Joseph K. Vaughan
               University of Arizona
               Institute of Atmospheric
               PAS Bldg, Rm 470
               Tucson, AZ    85721

I can also be reached by return mail on the
internet or as
jkv at and by phone at

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