Regarding Alaska

Bruce K. Wylie (303) 490 8336 wylie at
Sun Jul 12 12:39:33 EDT 1992

I would like to  address the problem of dealing with  Alaska's 10 UTM zones in 
GRASS. GRASS4.0 can have different projection mapsets under the same location 
via the command m.setproj (see SCS contibuted code). Established a x,y 
location under which mapsets can be created for alberts equal area (good for the 
lower 48 states and probably good for Alaska) and UTM mapsets (one for each 
zone). The command v.project (SCS contibuted code) can be used to move vector 
files (the imported DLG's) from the UTM mapsets to the Albert's projection 
mapset as long as they are in the same location.

Stay away from lat, lon as it is not realy a projection but rather a reference 
system. The state of Colorado is a rectangle in lat, lon and more of a square 
in Alberts Equal Area. 


Bruce Wylie
ARS, Ft. Collins, CO

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