
Dominique Bachelet dominiq at rice.cor2.epa.gov
Mon Jul 13 11:57:26 EDT 1992

I have been running i.group, i.cluster and i.maxlik to perform an unsupervised
classification of avhrr images over Asia. the output from i.cluster is long and
detailed but noone here seems to know what the numbers mean, what the units are, etc. and the documentation does not give any explanation about it either. 
Does any one on the net knows what i.cluster produces and is there any documentation out there on how to use the result file?

Dominique Bachelet                *  If you plan for one year, plant rice;
US EPA Env. Res. Lab.             *  if you plan for 10 years, plant trees;
200 SW 35th Street                *  if you plan for 100 years, educate the
Corvallis OR 97333                *  people.
Tel: 503-754-4314                 *
Fax: 503-754-4338                 *                       Chinese proverb
Email: dominiq at rice.cor2.epa.gov  *

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