
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Jul 14 16:48:43 EDT 1992

s.menu has been fixed to work properly with lat/long databases. It originally
only read the integer part of the coordinates (thus only getting to the
nearest degree). This has been fixed. The new s.menu is available ftp

You might also consider using r.what to interogate raster files.

|I am having trouble extracting the categories from a dtm using s.menu. I 
|imported 202 sites using s.in.ascii. They appear to be in the correct 
|geographic position on the dtm when viewed using d.display.  When I interogate 
|the database using s.menu, these sites contain 0 data, or else spurious 
|categories in relation to their geographic position. It would appear that the 
|sites are only having the degree co-ordinates recognised, and not the minute 
|and seconds when using s.menu.  Is there some way of letting s.menu know that 
|all co-ordinates must be used ?   I have checked that the sites are correctly 
|imported, by exporting them using s.out.ascii, and they are okay.   Looking 
|forward to hearing from someone who uses s.menu. 
|Tony Palmer
|		Dr A.R. Palmer, Grasslands Research Centre, PO Box 101
|		Grahamstown, South Africa.
|		Internet: plad at hippo.ru.ac.za
|		Tel: Intl 27 461 22638
|		Fax: Intl 27 461 25049    


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