GRASS on Linux

alastair small g asmall2 at
Mon Jul 20 22:15:37 EDT 1992

Hi there,

I've been trying to get GRASS4.0 running on Linux 0.96c (a FREE unix clone)
and am having more success than I expected. There are a few problems I'm
still having and am hoping that someone will be able to help. I am a new
user to GRASS and no expert at Unix or C, so please excuse me if these
questions are straightforward.

1) When I try to do anything with vectors I get problems. I start up the
display window with d.mon start=x0, from which I can use all the raster
display commands (d.rast, d.3d, d.display, d.histogram etc), but when I use
d.vect, I enter the name of a vector file (i.e. roads from the spearfish
dataset) and it seems to accept it (it prints information about the extents
etc) then it says plotting...., but nothing happens on the display. I manage
to break into the process with Ctrl-C and get back to the GRASS-GRID>
prompt, but as soon as I enter a command and hit return my whole system
freezes (mouse will not move, Ctrl-Alt-Bkspc has not effect on shutting down
X11,) and I have to reboot my machine.

I tried displaying vectors from within d.display but the same happens, I
tried, v.mkgrid etc and they all have the same effect. When I
compiled GRASS, there appeared to be no problems with the vector stuff.
Any Ideas....

2) /grass/src/display/d.profile would not compile correctly. I get the
following error:

	OBJ/main.o: Undefined symbol _cfree referenced from text segment

3) /grass/src/imagery/i.class would not compile correctly. The following
error occurs:

	zoom_box.c: In function 'zoom1'
	zoom_box.c:34: 'cancel' undeclared (first use this function)
			each undeclared identifier is reported only once for
			each function it appears in.
	zoom_box.c: At top level
	zoom_box.c:183: 'cancel' used prior to declaration

4) /grass/src/display/devices/XDRIVER/XDRIVER/ would not compile properly
unless I commented out a line in SWITCHER.c. The d.mon command seems to work
fine, but I'd rather know what the problem is with SWITCHER.c. The line I
comment out is #139: setpgrp(0, getpid()). If I leave it in I get the
following error:

	SWITCHER.c: In function 'main'
	SWITCHER.c:139: too many arguments to function setpgrp

I can't find any refence to setpgrp in any of the C books that I have, any
ideas out there.

Any help to these question would be much appreciated, and hopefully I can
get this cheap but powerful system up and running properly :-)

Alastair J. Small
Department of Geography,
Wilfrid Laurier University,
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA.

asmall2 at

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