Susan E. Hardy shardy at hanover-crrel.army.mil
Tue Jul 21 11:46:32 EDT 1992

Re:  GRASS4.0 Performance response from Kenn Gardels

>        No DBMS is required until you get to the point of handling complex
>        attributes for bounded objects (areas, lines).  For these there are
>        options to use RIM or to link to external databases using the Arkansas
>        database tools.

What are the Arkansas database tools?  Where are they available and where 
can I get information about using them?  Also, any suggestions or workshops 
on learning to use RIM (beyond the RIM User's Manual)?

Susan Hardy
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Geochemical Sciences Branch       email:  shardy at hanover-crrel.army.mil
72 Lyme Road                      phone:  (603) 646-4383
Hanover, NH  03755-1290           fax:    (603) 646-4644

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