Arc/INFO conversions
Michael Camann
camann at
Mon Mar 30 10:43:59 EST 1992
> good morning mike, i am a student research assistant here at cerl, and have
> spent a few hours importing arc/info data into GRASS--it is not difficult
> BUT (yes the elusive BUT) it can be complicated if you have not done it
> before and if you do not have people to ask....there is a short paper that
> goes over the steps available (i used a mac and will look into moving it to
> unix and then talk with the grassu-list people/ or the ftp site: moon to
> be available); i can either e-mail it to you or use the postal system.
> that is if you are interested. if interested, please let me know....
> Mary Anderson
> 1-800-USA-CERL x462
> anderson at
Yes, I am interested in anything that you can send me. Email is fine, but
use whatever is most convenient for you:
camann at (Michael Camann)
Michael Camann
Department of Entomology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
(404) 542-2640
I'm starting my dissertation work here, modeling southern pine beetle
infestations/outbreaks/etc and the USDA Forest Service has historical
data on beetle populations and spatial dispersions going back to 1987 for
the Oconee National Forest, but it's on a PC under Arc/INFO. They're real
cooperative; they've even offered me unlimited access to the system so that
I can do the work at their site, but that's a hassle I'd rather avoid.
Besides, I want to build a kriging utility and need to be able to hack the
GIS, so GRASS is ideal.
Thanks for ANY help you can give me!
camann at
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