GRASS for DOS ??

Jim Westervelt westerve at
Tue May 5 10:07:20 EDT 1992

Two possible beginning points for a DOS-version-of-GRASS rumors:

1. I know folks have used PCs as X-terminals (some thru Windows).  Once
in this mode GRASS (running on a UNIX box) yeilds its text and graphics
on the DOS screen.  Utilities can then be used to cut and paste between
the UNIX and DOS windows.

2. There are numerous ways to run UNIX in a PC.  Most are versions of
UNIX that operate on the 386 or 486 CPU's.   Some are implemented through
PC boards which contain a complete UNIX hardware environment which then
uses the PC power supply and monitor.  Of course, GRASS runs in this

A GRASS port to GRASS would take a very long time.  Later upgrades to 
UNIX GRASS would similarly require substantial effort to port to DOS.

Consider that the costs (approximate) of a UNIX environment that has
16Mbytes memory and about 500M disk:

  PC with native UNIX:    $5K
  PC with UNIX board:     $6K
  Low-end UNIX box:       $7K  (higher resolution monitor)

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