No subject

Joyce Anne Nagle nagle at
Fri May 8 09:12:37 EDT 1992

  I am trying to learn how to do ortho-rectification of aerial photographs.
I am having problems with the i.ortho.reference portion of i.rectify.blk.
I started a monitor and then ran i.rectify.blk and selected option 2.
In the monitor I don't get the correct display screen.  I get the imagery
boxes and the pop-down menu that has the Double click directions but I 
don't get the Mapset pop-down menu.  Instead I get a white rectangle 
that looks like it has a slide bar on its right side.  I can double click
on the Double click pop-down menu to get back to the menu and when I do
the white rectangle disappears.
  I got the more complete manpages for i.ortho.reference from the src.alpha
directory so I would have more of a tutorial, but alas...  
  Maybe I should be reporting this to grass.bugs.  But first I want to make
sure that I am not the bug.  Anyone doing any aerial photograph ortho-rectification?  Or do you know of anyone who is.  I would really like to have someone to ask questions because I think I have alot!

Thanks in advance. 

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