site labelling

Greg Koerper greg at
Wed May 20 11:23:52 EDT 1992

> Once I have (presumably) displayed the sites and their labels over my raster
> map, is there a way to capture (exactly) with the mouse those points I choose?
> d.what.rast can capture the coordinates ( approximately) but I would like a
> way to capture the site coordinate I'm closest too, and its label (attribute) 
> also.

The interpolation utility identifies n nearest neighbor sites of
each raster cell whose value is estimated.  You could extract the portion of
the code which computes distances and selects sites, and attach this to code
such as would be found in d.what.rast which returns the current location of
the cursor in region coordinates.  As the site coordinate data is read as 
input, site labels would be stored.  Both site coordinates and labels may
then be output in response to the mouse.


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