
Stacey Poulson stacey at
Thu May 21 02:37:49 EDT 1992


I found a directory called r.erdas which looks like it should do the job, 
and renamed it to  It compiled without errors but when I try 
to run it  I get 'command not found'.  I also tryed MAKE.LINKS but it 
had no effect.  Am I missing a step?  

I found an already compiled command called erd2grass, this prompts me 
for a filename and the files for the n bands (?). The manual pages aren't
very helpful so if anyone has more information on this command could you 
please send me an e-mail.
Stacey Poulson
stacey at
P.S. Thank you for all the help I have already received!!

This is what the manual page looks like:
r.erd2grass \- creates raster files from ERDAS image files.
      \- creates one raster file for each band.
.I (Image Development Tool)
.B r.erd2grass erdas=Name of erdas input file
 prefix=Prefix of the GRASS raster files to be created.           
GRASS raster files will be named
.B r.erd2grass
This command prompts the user twice:
First the user is asked if he/she wants to select a subset of   
the bands available in the ERDAS file for output. The default   is all bands.

        Secondly the user is asked if he/she wants to select a subwindow 
        of the image available in the ERDAS file. The default is the
        complete image.

Note: Remeber that it is necessary to run:
        support : To create the histogram and the appropriate color table.
        group: To associate the individual raster files as an image group.
M.L.Holko, USDA, SCS, Cart. / Geo. Information Systems Division
GRASS 4.0                U.S.D.A. SCS 

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