
Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Tue Nov 3 14:55:28 EST 1992

Look for an update on moon.cecer.army.mil for v.in.arc. The current
update handles the commas (it requires an update to src/libes/gis
for the routine which removes commas). The "D" exponent problem has
been solved at the Office of GRASS Integration (OGI) but that fix is
not on moon at this moment. It should be by tomorrow.
|v.in.arc can be even more troublesome, depending on the arc/info
|source.  Based on some combination of arc precision and info output
|width, the files generated by ungenerate may be in regular floating
|point or in exponential notation.  v.in.arc doesn't understand
|exponential notation, so you have to preprocess the file with awk to
|change those to floating point.  Also, arc uses "D" to represent the
|exponent, not "E" like everyone else in the world, so you need to
|catch that as well (I do it with sed).  Finally, due to a bug (I
|think) if you do not specify a text file input, v.in.arc won't read
|the label file either.  The easy solution if you have no text file is
|to specify the label file for text input, and select column 1 for both
|id and cat.  
|I've built up a small library of awk/sed scripts to deal with the
|vaguaries of this conversion, and will share them as is with anyone
|who asks.
|| Kenn Gardels                Tel +01 (510) 642-9205   Fax +01 (510) 643-5571  |
|| CEDR - 390 Wurster Hall     Internet  gardels at ced.berkeley.edu               |
|| University of California    Bitnet    gardels at UCBCED                         |
|| Berkeley, CA  94720         Calendar  gardels at tahoe.ced.berkeley.edu         |

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at amber.cecer.army.mil  Office of GRASS Integration
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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