Circle generation

Mark S. Gregory mg at
Wed Nov 4 09:29:37 EST 1992


I thought that in GRASS3.0 there was a module where you could
generate a circle (in vector form) by specifying an x,y location
and the radius of the circle.  I cannot seem to accomplish this
task easily within GRASS4.0.  I can get a vector circle by 
specifying a site location, converting to a raster map, then 
using r.buffer and finally r.poly.  I am certain that I did it 
much easier before, but cannot find the module to do it in 4.0.

I tried d.mapgraph but cannot get circle, only point defined polygons.
Besides, these graphics appear to only be graphics, I want to save
the circles as a vector file for later use.

I imagine I have just over-looked something and would greatly 
appreciate any insight anyone could provide.

Thanks in advance.


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