hints needed to start grass on linux

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Nov 9 12:39:24 EST 1992

Yes, there are two version of setpgrp() one with one parameter and one with
2, depending on the version of the operating system. Until the more strict
type checking compiler came along, we coded it with 2. It was a hack since
the 2 argument calls happens to work just fine with the setpgrp() that
expected on one. (Ie, we got a little lazy). There really isn't any great
way to find out all the little differences between various forms of unix.
If you change the setpgrp() to one argument (since gcc tells you that
this systems expects only one) and leave the call in the code, you might
get away with it. Read the manual for setpgrp(). The purpose of this call is
to prevent programs that put themselves (other others) in the background
from keyboard generated interuppts with using the signal() function to do

|BTW, the problem with 'setpgrp()' is:
|gcc is complaining about "too many parameters to function 'setpgrp'.  any

Michael Shapiro                        U.S. Army CERL                  
email:   shapiro at amber.cecer.army.mil  Office of GRASS Integration
phone:   (217) 373-7277                P.O. Box 9005                   
fax:     (217) 373-7222                Champaign, Ill. 61826-9005

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