starting up with RIM

Simon Cox simon at
Thu Oct 1 21:11:41 EDT 1992

I am having trouble getting started with RIM and s.db.rim

I have edited the following file as a template for .make:

> Foliation Orientation Data
> Site Code: ~sSite_Code~~~~~~            Location: ~yNorth~~
> Date surveyed: ~tSurvey_Date~~~~        Date entered:
> Lithology:     ~tLith1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Structure:     ~tStruct1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Comment:       ~tComment1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Orientation:  ~fDip_Direction~   ~fDip~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have tried "making" the database with this form two ways:
using the
command line s.db.rim .make command, and typing it in - the
response is as

> Form Definition Accepted.
> Building the RIM database in directory
/home/cerberus/u/simon/grass/rob_scott/> simon/rim/sites
> sh: Comment1: not found
> Database is now 'made'.
> The database fol has 0 records.

Note the problem with sh trying to interpret "Comment1".

.table  gives

> The number of rows reported below may have changed.
>       Database : fol                read password : none
last mod : 10/01/92
>          Table : fieldnames       modify password : none
>   Name              type      length     format     key
>   ----------------  ---- ------------- -----------  ---
> No columns
>      Database : fol                read password : none
last mod : 10/01/92>          Table : screenlayout     modify
password : none
>   Name              type      length     format     key
>   ----------------  ---- ------------- -----------  ---
> No columns
>       Database : fol                read password : none
last mod : 10/01/92
>          Table : data             modify password : none
>   Name              type      length     format     key
>   ----------------  ---- ------------- -----------  ---
> No columns

Now I am worried - apparently this database has no structure.
Then, when I try to make an entry using .add I get

> WARNING: Site number (1) duplicated one in the database, not

I have also tried loading sites from a site list, from a file,
etc etc
and every time it claims that, although there are 0 records in
database, the new site numbers duplicate older ones ...

I have tried every way into s.db.rim that I can find, and the
are always similar.  Can anyone give me a quick diagnosis???  Is
there a
sample RIM/GRASS database to test out installation with??

Many thanks in advance.

Simon Cox

				Dr Simon Cox
         __  L				
      ,~'  L_|\            	Department of Earth Sciences       
   ,-'         \         	Monash University    
   (            \		Clayton  Vic  3168  Australia
   \    ___     /	
    L,~'   "\_x/		Phone +61 (3) 565 5762
              u   		Fax   +61 (3) 565 5062
				simon at

     Bouquets gratefully accepted, brickbats returned to sender

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