
Kuo-Chen Chang harry at
Fri Oct 2 14:11:58 EDT 1992

> I am intereseted in hearing from anybody who has done some work with Grass and Linux.
> Linux is a version of Unix that is public domain and has been written for the Pc386
> platform.  X11v5 has been ported to Linux already.  It would seem that it would be
> a good choice to port Grass to as both are public domain, thus keeping with the
> low cost GIS idea.
> Regards,
> Rob Linton
> Charles Sturt University - Murray,
> Australia.
> Net: rlinton at

i posted the same Q a month ago and received nothing.  


 reading this).

As a side note, this will make the digitizer interface greatly
modifiable by the user, so any number of formats can and should be
supported.  Also many digitizers can be re-programmed by the software,
and thus we might just be able to get around this problem of being
incompatible with AutoCad or ArcInfo requirements, and having to flip 

Here is our sample file for the Calcomp 9500 Ascii mode 5
    buttons = 16
    buttonstart = 0
    baud = 9600
    units_per_inch = 1000

    send = \027%^5\013     	# ESC%^5   Force into mode 5
    send = \027%R\013      	# ESC$R    Set RUN mode
    send = \027%Q!\013     	# ESC%Q!   Set query char to '!'

    send = !\013           	# !	      Query digitizer

    send = \027%H\013      	# ESC%H    Halt RUN mode

#				format is ASCII 5 chars X, 5 chars Y
#				and button status is in 15th column
    ascii = xxxxx,yyyyy,??b

The format definition for Binary mode 23  is simply: 
    byte1 = 1   p  b3  b2  b1  b0 x15 x14
    byte2 = 0 x13 x12 x11 x10  x9  x8  x7
    byte3 = 0  x6  x5  x4  x3  x2  x1  x0
    byte4 = 0   ?   ?   ? x16 y16 y15 y14
    byte5 = 0 y13 y12 y11 y10  y9  y8  y7
    byte6 = 0  y6  y5  y4  y3  y2  y1  y0



Coming attractions:  Look for Xdigit in 1993.

  Dave Gerdes
  US Army Construction Engineering Research Lab
  Spatial Analysis & Systems Team
  dpgerdes at
  (217) 352-6511 x591

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