r.combine involving 3 plus maps

Raymond Venneker venn at geo.vu.nl
Tue Oct 13 05:43:51 EDT 1992

> (NAME TestMap 
>   (AND (GROUP 1 2 (China_Island)) 
> 	(GROUP 3 4 (IrrigationSuitability)) 
> 	  (GROUP 5 6 (WetlandSuitability))
>   )
> )

operations like AND/OR evaluate 2 expressions like:

	(AND expr1 expr2)

the expressions can also be the result of a logical operation:

	(AND (AND expr1a expr1b) expr2)

(NAME TestMap
      (GROUP 1 2 (China_Island)) (GROUP 3 4 (IrrigationSuitability))
    (GROUP 5 6 (WetlandSuitability))

Perhaps the syntax is a bit unusual, I guess it would be more in the spirit
of C (and UNIX) to have it writen like (expr1 && expr2 && expr3).
r.infer goes towards this and can handle the problem as well.
Is anyone working on an improved inference engine?

Raymond Venneker
Inst. of Earth Sc.
Free Univ. Amsterdam

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