r.in.erdas command in manual

Michael Shapiro shapiro at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Wed Sep 2 10:28:14 EDT 1992

r.in.erdas is a contributed command. The source for the sommand is under
src.contrib/SCS/raster/r.in.erdas. SCS has placed manual pages for their
contributed code under src.contrib/SCS/man. g.manual doesn't know about this.
To make g.manual know about it, copy SCS/man/r.in.erdas to the main manual
area and recompile the manual. The main manual directory is called man
and lives at the same level as src, src.alpha, src.contrib. You can 
copy the manual by:
  (1) cd to src.contrib
  (2) cp SCS/man/r.in.erdas ../man/man4/.
  (3) gmake4.0 ../man

|	Question why is r.in.erdas command not in the g.manual? R.in.erdas 
|command does run in Grass4.0 but when you try to bring up the command in
|g.manual you get  " no such manual entry ". It would help to have some 
|information on the command.
|	Thank you Daniel H. Rodiruguez


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