VPF conversion

Marc Parenteau - CRDV/DREV parento at jupiter.drev.dnd.ca
Thu Sep 24 15:22:17 EDT 1992

I was wondering if anybody out there in the GRASS user land has written
a conversion utility for importing VPF (Vector Product Format) data
into GRASS? VPF, part of the DIGEST standard, is the format used for DCW.

Please e-mail me any information you might have...

Thank you,

|  _| | | __  | . | __|    | . (_ \ / | __|      Marc Parenteau (DREV, Canada)
 |  |   | _   |  /| _ | )  | _/|      | _ |      (418) 844-4323
 |_ |_|_|___  |_\_|___|__  |_  |_ /_\_|___|___   parento at jupiter.drev.dnd.ca

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