coordinate conversion

Brian Connelly bac at
Tue Apr 20 11:06:06 EDT 1993


I have a raster map in state plane coordinates that I would
like to convert to utm coordinates.  Can anyone offer any
suggestions?  I considered making a vector map from the raster
map, converting the coordinates to utm, and then making a new
raster map from the vector map, but the raster map is quite large.
The process of converting to a vector map would take a long
time and result in an enormous vector file.  I am willing to
write some code to convert the raster map to utm coordinates,
but I am not sure how.  Does anyone know of a reference that
might explain it?

Thank you,


Brian Connelly
College of Forest Resources                  phone:  (206) 543-5506
University of Washington  AR-10                FAX:  (206) 685-3091
Seattle, Washington  98195                  e-mail:  bac at

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