tig.rim.sh vs. Gen.tractmap?

Eric Kostello kostello at muir.sscnet.ucla.edu
Thu Apr 22 14:40:04 EDT 1993


I need to generate census tract maps for Los Angeles County.
(I will be analyzing census data at the tract level.)

I have the tutorial of Jan 93 for "TIGER in GRASS" and it says
to use tig.rim.sh. The older tutorials say to use Gen.Maps.
They seem to do the same thing. Is there some reason to use tig.rim.sh? 

Is this just a name change for GRASS 4.1? Or, is there some improvement
for this script with the 4.1 release? I would like to avoid installing 
GRASS 4.1 for a while.

Also, I could not find tig.rim.sh in the ls-lR file on the moon.

Thanks very much.

Eric Kostello

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