point display

Lars Schylberg larss at fmi.kth.se
Tue Apr 27 07:54:05 EDT 1993

I guess you could input a point via s.in.ascii command and then 
display that site point with d.sites.  I must be easy to write a
Bourne shell script that does this automaticly.


Lars Schylberg                          Email: larss at fmi.kth.se  
Dept. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)     Tel.   +46 8 790 86 33   
S-100 44  STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN             Fax.   +46 8 790 66 10

> one more question to fix a point in the graphic display. 
> Think I have to explain my problem a little bit more.
> We need a shell or routine to fix a point in the graphics
> display by coordinate input, without writing in the graphics
> display!!
> For example:
> 1. fix point nr. 1
> 2. fix point nr. 2 and delete point nr. 1
> and so on..... 
> We need this to combine GPS with GRASS.

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