TIGER data in RIM

Brian Hoolihan brian at saic.rsd.saic.com
Tue Apr 27 15:17:57 EDT 1993

HELP! I'm trying to import tiger data into a GRASS/RIM database using the v.in.tiger command and
the Gen.Maps command.  It doesn't seem that the ".in $ETC/db.layout" portion worked in the v.in.tiger.
When the Gen.Vect script finished, I had no column definitions.  I worked around this problem by 
creating the columns manually (using the "set input" option in RIM).  Then I wanted to run the
Gen.Maps script but I crashed just after the first query (on the .vect statement) because all the 
column names are blank.  Has anyone successfully read in TIGER data and/or experienced problems
like I
have had?  Are there any tricks I should know about?? Thanks!!
                                                                Brian Hoolihan

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