Help : compile x-grass 4.1 on Motif 1.2

Andreas Holz (CIP guests) asholz at
Mon Aug 9 11:59:41 EDT 1993

> Hi! x-grass users :
> Did you ever compile x-grass 4.1 on Motif version 1.2 ?
> I have some problems when compile x-grass on Motif 1.2, it seems only compatible with Motif version 1.1 !!
> If you were successfully compile x-grass on Motif 1.2, please mail me a message 
> and please tell me the key-points.
> Please help! Thank you very much!
> *****************************************************************************
> *  Hong-Jei Hong                         Email:hjhong at  *
> *                                          (IP:               *
> * Institute of Environmental Engineering   Voice:011-886-35-712171x2929     *
> * National Chiao Tung University                                            *
> * Street: 75 Po-Ai Street, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30090, R.O.C."                   *
> *****************************************************************************

Hello Hong-Jei,

	I compiled XGRASS4.1 on Linux with Motif 1.2.2. 

	You are right, it's a little bit complicated to compile XGRASS 
	and I have not running all XGRASS programs. So I can't start XGRASS
	with xgrass4.1, but this seems to be a problem of Linux, not only of 
	XGRASS and Motif >=1.2.

	A lot of other programs are running. (The biggest problem to me
	is that xdigit is not running!).

	What are Your problems in detail?

Dipl. Geol. Andreas Holz    email: asholz at
Institut fuer Geologie und Mineralogie
Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen

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