number of colors in X display

Simon Cox simon at
Sat Aug 14 15:46:38 EDT 1993


I have now recovered the mail archive and browsed it for notes on color
At one stage it is claimed that 256 gray levels could be got in colormode
I though this would be a good test of our problems, so I created colortables
with 256, 215, 205 different grays, as well as a few others.  TO check up on
things I used xshowcmap to show the active colortable - this is a good tool
as it changes dynamically when you allocate more colors.  Unfortunately this
confirmed the problem - in colormode float I get 16 (colorful) colors at the
top of the table (grass's default colors? or the vector colors?) and then just
49 grey levels, no matter what!  Is the Xdriver routine for filling the color
table really that ineffective?  Or am I stuffing up somewhere else?


Simon Cox

				Dr Simon Cox
         __  L				
      ,~'  L_|\            	Department of Earth Sciences       
   ,-'         \         	Monash University    
   (            \		Clayton  Vic  3168  Australia
   \    ___     /	
    L,~'   "\_x/		Phone +61 3 565 5762
              u   		Fax   +61 3 565 5062
				simon at

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