Job announcement

Dominique Bachelet dominiq at
Thu Aug 19 11:09:22 EDT 1993


Position announcement
Geographic Information Systems (GIS Specialist)

IRRI is known worldwide as a center of research excellence dedicated =
to generating and=20
disseminating rice-related knowledge and technology that are environm=
entally, socially,=20
and economically sound and that benefit present and future generation=
s of rice producers=20
and customers.
The Institute is an autonomous, nonprofit organization, one of 18 int=
ernational centers=20
of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGI=
AR).  The research=20
center and administrative headquarters are at Los Ba=F1os, Philippine=
s.  Outreach=20
scientists are posted in 12 countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin Amer=
The GIS Specialist is a member of the Social Sciences Division and lo=
cated at the=20
research center.  GIS applications at IRRI are multidisciplinary, inv=
environmental characterization and the evaluation of environmental su=
stainability and=20
profitability of rice-related technologies.

The GIS Specialist coordinates IRRI's applications of this technology=
, including

Conducting research on the characterization of agroecological zones, =
prioritizing rice=20
research issues, and making ex-ante assessments of extrapolation doma=
ins of improved=20

Developing and maintaining a data base on agroclimatic conditions, la=
ndforms, and=20
ecosystems of the rice-growing countries.

Supervising the operation and improvement of the GIS laboratory.

Assisting in training and other collaboration to improve the GIS rese=
arch capabilities=20
of national agricultural research systems in Asia.

Participating in IRRI's degree and nondegree training programs.

The successful candidate must have
An earned doctoral degree in a discipline relevant to GIS research.

Proven competency with the use of computer and related technologies i=
n GIS applications.

Proven record of research related to one or more of the Institute's a=
reas of concern for=20

Proven managerial and interpersonal communication skills, including t=
he ability to work=20
effectively in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments.

Experience with agriculture in developing countries, and the ability =
to effectively=20
interact with scientists involved with rice research in Asia and else=
where in the world.

Salary and Benefits
The salary and perquisites for this position are internationally comp=
etitive and=20
commensurate with the successful candidate's qualifications.  IRRI pr=
ovides a gender-
sensitive work environment and particularly welcomes women applicatio=

Applications for this position must include the candidate's curriculu=
m vitae and=20
supporting documentation, and the names (including fax or electronic =
mail addresses) of=20
three references.  Evaluation of applications will begin on 31 August=
 1993 and continue=20
until a suitable candidate is identified.  Send applications to

Dr. Klaus Lampe
Director General
International Rice Research Institute
P.O. Box 933
1099 Manila, Philippines
Telephone:  (63-2) 818-1926
Fax:  (63-2) 818-2087
Please refer to GS-IR-01 in your application letter.

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