r.in.gif with GIF89a

DAVE H MSC9309 at geovax.edinburgh.ac.uk
Sun Aug 29 19:35:00 EDT 1993

I recently discovered the r.in.gif command in the src.contrib/SCS/raster
directory of the GRASS4.1 release.  It compiled and worked after a few minor 
tweaks - telling it where to get include files - and is quite a handy little 
thing.  However, it only seems to work with GIF87 files.  

Has anybody managed to use it on GIF89a format files?

I would like to get in touch with the person who wrote it at the SCS, to 
see if they have updated their version.

P.S. I only discovered this code when I was compiling r.in.erdas (this also
worked, but I have not yet got it to do exactly what I want).  Do other GRASS 
users think that the contrib section could be better organised or documented?

Dave H.
Dave Haddock                | MSc student in Geographical Infomation Systems 
Department of Geography,    | Email:  MSC9309 at GEOVAX.ED.AC.UK 
University of Edinburgh,    |
Drummond Street,            | Phone:  +44 31 650 8157  MSc room       
Edinburgh,                  | Phone:  +44 31 650 2565  Main Office	
EH8 9XP  SCOTLAND           | Fax  :  +44 31 650 2524  Main Office

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