Laxmi Prasad Musunur mlp at
Fri Dec 10 09:49:28 EST 1993

1. When v.prune is run with a threshold of 0.25 meters, depening on the
   vector file that is being pruned, it gives the following error message!

PNT_TO_AREA failed: (533812.736071, 3443965.179426) (Category 94)

   Can some one explain its meaning ?

2.  What is the best way to export a vector file to AGIS ? (Atlas GIS, from
    Strategic Mapping, Inc.).  We are pruning the map, and exporting it to
    DLG format, which is supported by AGIS.  But would like to know if anyone
    has a better solution!

Thank you,
Laxmi P. Musunur (LP) School of Forestry, Auburn University, 
AUBURN AL 36849	E-mail:  mlp at

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